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Category: Writing

Posts about writing/blogging

Writing Week – The Lead Up

For those who don’t follow me on Twitter, I recently tweeted that I had booked off a week from work so that I could 100% focus on my writing. I will doing very little else for that week other than writing. My goal? To at least double my word count for my latest writing project. How much is that you ask? I currently have around 50,000 words. This means by the end of that week, I should (if all goes as planned) around or over 100,000 words.

I have dubbed this week “Writing Week”.

My Writing Process

Someone I know wrote an article for a website about why and how she writes, and after reading it, I thought about why and how I write. Here are my findings.


A colleague of mine once asked me, over a drink at a company do, “So, why do you write, then?” and I simply replied “Because the voices tell me to,”. Needless to say, his face was a picture!

But now I realise that if we replace “voices” with “story” and “tell” with “need” and you actually have a partial answer. The story needs me to. It needs to be told. If I bottled up all the potential stories in my head, then I reckon I would be cracked even more than I already am!